

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Task 1b - Initial Thoughts - Would the world be better off with just Web 1.0???

I haven't managed to get past the first page of the reader yet. As someone who had never heard of the term Web 2.0, I really thought I was going to spend a long time figuring out the meaning, but after the clarification of the difference between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0, I feel I need to stop and mull over my thoughts.

The idea of there being a boundary between the creator and the reader gives more value to the information being read - in my opinion. It is so easy for people to comment now, that I'm not sure if people really believe what they are saying they are just writing to be heard. Don't get me wrong I am a strong supporter of freedom of speech but I also think a persons opinion is just as strong kept hidden. It is not always necessary to squander someones beliefs just to boost our own ego.

If we only used Web 1.0, we would have to put more effort into getting our views out there. Maybe this would rid our lives of a lot of pointless and negative information, that is so easy to get wrapped up in.

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