I previously stated that in school we have started looking at mindfulness as 'brain break' for the children - and teachers. This website is free and follows short exercises from: yoga; meditation; breathing; reflection; movement. Check it out the children love it and I have found it beneficial my self to regroup my thoughts and bring me back to the here and now.
We also use this site at the school I work at. I love it (sometimes I think more than the kids do) its great way to give the kids a brain break and get them moving and to also calm them down. We tend to do a physical one in the morning and after lunch a calming one.
We spent last term looking at mindfulness and had a session once a week learning about it. I think its great for children. We got taught to look after everything else in our bodies, but what about the brain- its the most important thing that controls us.
This is also another great site for kids that i discovered- I haven't used but if you do let me know how it is- https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga
And for adults check out the 'headspace app' !https://www.headspace.com/headspace-meditation-app
Ive just watched this interesting TED talk- quote I really like from it 'our thoughts create our feelings, our feelings create our actions which allow us to progress'. Think it relates well to the benefits of mindfulness in education. Have a watch of this talk-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbgdpsXDU2o
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