

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Skype Call - 17/04/18

Slightly delayed, but for obvious reasons I have been busy! I usually blog directly after the skype but the call had left me with so many ideas for my essay that I wanted to get going straight away.

In the call, we spoke about all 3 element of inquiry: Critical Review; Artefact; Oral Presentation. Through my ever developing SIG, we clarified each elements use and what we were trying to communicate through each.

In essence, each element is not a brand new creation but each is an adaptation of the other. The audience is the main determiner of tone with the artefact being slightly less formal than the review. Of course this will depend on what form your artefact takes.

We also talked about how each of us could have benefited from a 'Top Tips' fact sheet during the course. There have been many occasions that I have a realisation and think, if only i had known that earlier.

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