

Friday, 24 February 2017

How Social Media Effects Our Employment.

Following the skype session earlier in the week, I have been playing around typing various things into Google (what would we do without this??) to see what might come up. I found a number of articles based on people who had lost their jobs through posts they had put on social media. Some of these are shocking and I am in no way surprised they lost their jobs if they were silly enough to publicly announce their actions. However, some I found shocked me as they just looked like normal people on a night out having fun, nothing illegal, nothing harmful or offensive in their posts at all.

Here are a few of the articles I found...

This particular article looks more at the reasons why employers may fire you or not hire you...

1 comment:

Paula Nottingham said...

Thanks Jennifer - can you make the links live? Like your online shopping very much - think around an issues - gather evidence - and then see about the positions and the debates. I suppose the same stories have been around about communicating badly - but with the web it is global.